Ave FAQs

Browse Ave320 FAQs

If you’re new to Ave320 or a longtime user, you’ll find everything you need to know here, plus links to our Social Media, Discord, and popular NFT Platforms where our NFTs are dropped.

Just getting started

You can buy Ave320 NFTs on a popular NFT platform such as OpenSea, and soon here on the Ave320 Platform as well.

Either way, Ave320 is at your service, and you can easily establish your account and take advantage of all the ways you can enhance your NFT and NFT services.

If you bought one of our NFTs on an NFT Platform such as OpenSea, you can sign in using only your Blockchain Wallet ID.

Then fill in your Profile on the Account page, go to your NFTs owned page, and you will see your Ave320 NFTs listed there.

If you bought your NFT as a subscription on Ave320, your monthly payments do not automatically recur. Instead, you’ll need to manually make your payment each month.

If your payments lapse, no worries. Your account will be paused until you resume payments. Of course, your residual income from lease payments and other sources will be paused as well.

But you’re still freee to sell your Ave320 NFT on a platform of your choosing, and the buyer will then receive any lease payments or other revenue connected to your NFT.

Ave000 leasing rights

If you’ve bought an Ave100 NFT on a popular NFT Platform such as OpenSea, you receive the first month of your Ave320 subscription free, yet you will receive lease payments based on your Ave100 NFT because one of the Ave320 services you receive is a Ave000 virtual space at a specified level.

As the owner of an Ave000 virtual space, you have the same rights and responsibilities as everyone else – maintain your space, keep your account current, and enjoy the community you are creating.

Residual Income Potential

Universes, Worlds, and other virtual spaces are leased from Ave000 NFT lessees (including those acquired via the Ave100 Advanced Access Lane).

As leaseholders, residents of the World, Place, or Space pay their own monthly lease payments to the leaseholders of their Universe, World, or Place.

A limited number of Ave000 virtual spaces are sold on an extended basis, and pay no ongoing monthly payments for the period defined in the NFT, yet they can still receive monthly lease payments.

The number of spaces that are open to leasing is fixed at 100 per space, and prices are fixed in USD so long as monthly payments are made (except for Lifetime owners). Price may go up at the discretion of Ave320, but will be applicable only to new accounts, which includes accounts based on the purchase of an Ave100 or Ave000 NFT.

Twist Rewards Tokens

Ave320 NFT buyers receive free Twist Rewards tokens with every monthly payment. These tokens are designed to increase in value based on adoption by members, although we offer no guarantee of this.

Twist Rewards tokens can be used as credits within the Ave320 virtual economy, based on what Ave320 users price their goods at.

Twist Rewards tokens have common tokenomics with founders shares, developer and marketer shares, utility shares, and foundations shares totaling 70% and user shares at 30%. These shares are intended to benefit founders, builders, common goals, and Ave320 membership.

AI Capabities

Ave320 is building AI capabilities and integrations into many of our services. The first AI capability our development roadmap contains is the ability to access your NFT AIs by voice.

Ave320 is also forming an AI Ethics committee that will create and publish our AI Code of Ethics applicable to all Ave320 membership.

We deliberately utilize AI capabilities to the greatest possible extent because we believe AIs are the key to vast new productivity and wealth-building opportunities.


Av320 members are encouraged to invite their friends to enjoy the fun. Ave320 members must adhere to all applicable Ave320 guidelines, and all real-world regulations related to the promotion of any services.

The bottom line is, be honest, carefully follow guidelines for disclaimers and full disclosure, and treat those you reach out to with the same fairness and honesty you would use with your loved ones.

Rights Packages

All Ave Lane NFTs come with a Rights Package spelling out the Rights confered on Ave NFT owners. For example, Ave000 Place NFTs confer the right for their owners to sell the NFT in combination with the continuing stream of lease payments they have accumulated. Typically, a revenue stream such as this will increase the value of the NFT, although we offer no guarantee of this.

There are many more variations of Rights that can be defined and added to your NFTs, some of which may conflict with rules and regulations in your jurisdiction.

Ave320 cannot and does not offer legal advice on any Right Packages. You agree that any comments made by Av320, Rights Package templates, or other contracts you may upload or use are not legal advice, and that it is your responsibility to obtain your own legal counsel to help you decide what rights to offer and how to enforce them.