Ave Onboarding

Explore all the Benefits of Ave320 NFTs & AI services

Ave320 provides an amazing and constantly increasing set of benefits for Ave320 NFT buyers, starting with Ave100 NFT buyers.

Ave100 NFT buyers enjoy Ave000 Lane privileges such as a Universe, Planet, or other space in the Innerside, potential residual income, free Twist Rewards tokens, AI capabilities/integrations, viral networking, Rights Package, coupons and discounts, and much more.


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Congratulations, and thanks for joining Ave320 and helping guide the development of all Ave320 Lanes of unique services spanning Blockchain, NFTs, Smart Contracts, AI, VR/AR/3D/360, and other insanely disruptive technologies.

So what to do to take advantage of current Ave320 Lanes of service?

First off, you bought your Ave100 plan using your existing MATIC Blockchain Wallet Address. Your NFT is already in your own custody!

Understanding how to mint, own, and trade NFTs is a huge step in the right direction, and one less thing you need to worry about. Way to go!

Next, what can you do with your NFT?

You can sell it on any NFT Platform as a nice picture.

But here’s why you may not want to SELL it:

1. Your Ave100 Advanced Access NFT is much more than a plain old collectible. It also gives you selected access to the entire range of Ave320 Lanes of service (and all the accompanying features and benefits) now and in the future, as long as your Ave100 Advanced Access Plan subscription remains current.

2. If your Ave100 Advanced Access Plan subscription pauses for any reason, the benefits it confers on you as the owner will pause as well. But good news – just do your manual renewal and your subscription AND your benefits will unpause immediately.

In practice, this means that as long as you maintain your Ave100 Advanced Access Plan you will see all Ave320 Lanes of service features, benefits, and perks you are entitled to continue to accrue to you.

So your job now is not so much Onboarding as it is Exploring.

As an Ave100 Advanced Access explorer, please:

1. Explore everything Ave320 currently offers or is developing in our Roadmap.

2. Offer your comments and guidance about what should be offered and how to make it even more attractive and easy to use.

3. If you have more than one Blockchain Wallet Address, you can login with it and then merge your new account with your existing account, or keep it separate. Ave320 supports Ethereum and Polygon now, and currently all NFTs that can be bought on Ave320 are designed to be purchased with Polygon MATIC. There will be other EVM cryptocurrencies supported going forward.

4. Let us know right away if you come across a bug or hack, or any sort of glitch no matter how small. We plan to set up a Bug Bounty soon, and it may be retroactive.

5. Be sure to use our Discord to share ideas, talk to us, and move Ave320 forward. Please be nice – we’re not perfect but we appreciate constructive criticism.

6. We also have a Support Ticket system for subscribers to get help within 24 hours.

That’s it for now – Happy Exploring!

Ave100 Advanced Access

Ave100 Advanced Access members get Ave Lanes benefits available now and in the future, help guide the development and direction of the Ave Platform, receive preferred status for many perks and events, and may earn unlimited revenue based on leasing of Ave Virtual Land, adding data to their own NFTs, participating in development, bug-hunting, and other Ave Platform services.

Residual Income Potential

Universes, Worlds, and other spaces are leased by Ave000 NFT leasees (including those acquired via the Ave100 Advanced Access Lane).

As leaseholders, residents of the World, Place, or Space pay their own monthly lease payments to the leaseholders of their Universe, World, or Place.

Twist Rewards Tokens

Ave320 NFT buyers receive free Twist Rewards tokens with every monthly payment. These tokens are designed to increase in value based on adoption, but we offer no guarantee of this.

Ave000 Lane

The Innerside – a Universe not our own. This is the story of the Innerside and the inhabitants therein.

Viral Networking

Invite your friends to enjoy the fun. All they need to open an account is login with their Blockchain Wallet Address at no charge and no gas fees.

AI Capabilities

Ave320 is building AI capabilities and integrations into many of our services. First capability is to access your NFT AIs by voice.


All Ave Lane NFTs come with a Rights Package spelling out the Rights confered on Ave NFT owners. For example, Ave000 Place NFTs confer the right for their owners to sell the NFT in combination with the continuing stream of lease payments they have accumulated. Typically, a revenue stream such as this will increase the value of the NFT, although we do not guarantee it.